Columbus Museum of Art Unveils Scantland Collection Featuring Work by Devan Shimoyama

Scantland Collection at Columbus Museum of Art
Installation view of the Scantland Collection at the Columbus Museum of Art. Courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio.

De Buck Gallery is pleased to announce that Devan Shimoyama‘s work is featured in Present Generations, an exhibition showcasing the first installment of promised gifts that will inaugurate the Columbus Museum of Art’s Scantland Collection.

The show, which opened June 25 and runs through May 22, 2022, includes some of the most exciting and thought-provoking artists practicing today including Shimoyama, Felipe Baeza, Cristina BanBan, Greg Breda, Coady Brown, Lucy Bull, Jonathan Lyndon Chase, Somaya Critchlow, Julie Curtiss, Jadé Fadojutimi, Derek Fordjour, Louis Fratino, Jerrell Gibbs, Aaron Gilbert, Jenna Gribbon, Lauren Halsey, Alexander Harrison, Angela Heisch, Jammie Holmes, Deana Lawson, GaHee Park, Hilary Pecis, Emily Mae Smith, Vaughn Spann, Claire Tabouret, Ambera Wellmann, and Robin F. Williams.

With vivid paintings as well as photographic and sculptural installations, the works by 26 artists in Present Generations show the creative exuberance of contemporary art practice as it also grapples with questions of visibility and identity among other urgent and underlying social concerns.

Scantland Collection Columbus Museum of Art
Installation view of the Scantland Collection at the Columbus Museum of Art. Courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio.

The Scantland Collection is one of the most dynamic young private collections of contemporary visual art in North America. From its position in Columbus, Ohio, the Collection is committed to a broad perspective on the creative energies of this moment; its intention is to form an evolving and wide-ranging picture of art in the mid-21st century. With a growing list of promised gifts to the Columbus Museum of Art, the Scantland Collection ensures that its ambitious program to collect the art of the present will remain part of its community for generations to come.
In addition to lush abstractions and ecstatic figurative paintings, Present Generations also includes powerful photographic and sculptural works. As throughout the exhibition, these works engage historical forms and narratives as a way of acting upon and being alive to the present moment. As part of the Scantland Collection of the Columbus Museum of Art, these works will continue to generate excitement, reflection, and creative response.

Shimoyama’s oeuvre and mission, driven by his deep personal engagement with social issues including queer culture and race, joins the artistic dialogue within the exhibition in its commitment to the relationship between art and society.

To read more about the Scantland Collection, click the link below.

Tooker.Louis Fratino looks toartists like Demuthand Charles Sheelerin his work, while the painting by Jerrell Gibbsis directly inspired by works ofMatissein CMA’s collection.In addition to lush abstractionsand ecstatic figurative paintings,Present Generationsalso includes powerful photographic and sculptural worksbyDerek Fordjour, Lauren Halsey, and Deana Lawson.As throughout the exhibition, these worksengagehistorical forms and narrativesas a way ofacting upon and being alive to the presentmoment.As part of the Scantland Collection of the Columbus Museum of Art, these works will continue to generate excitement, reflection, and creative response.